L.L. Bean: Every Generation’s Favorite Boot (and Instagram Account) - Original Blog Post 1
If you live in the United States, then by now you probably know what a “Bean Boot” is – regardless of where you live. Which is impressive, given this particular boot is a.) Designed specifically for hunting in wet, cold climates and b.) A whopping 106 years old . The ad is from the 80's but the shoe was born in 1912. In a world where trends come and go quicker than our wallets can keep up, L.L. Bean’s signature hunting boot lives on. This shouldn’t be all that shocking, given L.L. Bean’s products have a reputation for reliability and durability. What they haven’t always been is trendy, especially among the younger masses. After all, the boot was designed for a specific functionality. You don’t get more specialized than a “Maine hunting shoe”. So why is the Bean Boot – and subsequently the entire brand that is L.L. Bean – seeing a massive resurgence, and why now? The answer can be found on Instagram . And it's indicative of a new trend in advertising. ...
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