L.L. Bean: Every Generation’s Favorite Boot (and Instagram Account) - Original Blog Post 1

If you live in the United States, then by now you probably know what a “Bean Boot” is – regardless of where you live. Which is impressive, given this particular boot is a.) Designed specifically for hunting in wet, cold climates and b.) A whopping 106 years old.

The ad is from the 80's but the shoe was born in 1912.

In a world where trends come and go quicker than our wallets can keep up, L.L. Bean’s signature hunting boot lives on. This shouldn’t be all that shocking, given L.L. Bean’s products have a reputation for reliability and durability. What they haven’t always been is trendy, especially among the younger masses. After all, the boot was designed for a specific functionality. You don’t get more specialized than a “Maine hunting shoe”.  So why is the Bean Boot – and subsequently the entire brand that is L.L. Bean – seeing a massive resurgence, and why now?

The answer can be found on Instagram. And it's indicative of a new trend in advertising.

Over half of the U.S.’s population of Millennials are on Instagram. There are millions of eyes on this app every single day, all for the sake of looking at other peoples’ photos. You observe strangers’ lives through the looking glass, and upload your own photos so others can do the same. Do it right, and you’ll impress people and gain followers. This is where companies come swooping in.

See, much like how brands will often sponsor lifestyle bloggers – paying them to post about their products – companies are also working with individual Instagram users to promote their products in unconventional ways. They’ll offer you a coupon code for their products or a spot in a giveaway, so long as you do something in return. They’ll request you “tag a friend” in their photo’s comments section, “like and follow” their account, or use their hashtag in one of your photos. It's a symbiotic relationship that benefits the brand as well as the customer.

When L.L. Bean took a shot at rebranding in 2016-2017, they did it right by taking a chance and tapping into this market. Their switch from print to digital advertising was done in a way that spoke with their audience, not to their audience. Sure, the company could have spent their money bombarding browsers with ads. Instead, L.L. Bean chose wisely – they tasked Laurie Brooks, their longstanding PR manager, to run a very specific Instagram account dedicated to fan engagement. Laurie’s account features her own captions that are usually relevant to the weather, day of the week or upcoming holiday, but feature other users’ photos and credit them for their snapshot.

Just a few examples of the  many posts L.L. Bean's Laurie features.

She selects her photos by seeing which ones were recently hashtagged with L.L. Bean’s new signature phrase, #BeanOutsider.  Laurie frequently asks followers to “get outside” and post photos with that hashtag. Bonus points if you’re wearing their merch. The response from fans is overwhelming – As of January 2018, their hashtag has amassed nearly 30,000 photos, with a new one uploaded every 15 minutes.

Fans either use photos of the great outdoors, or post a polished photo of themselves in Bean’s merchandise. Those whose photos are chosen to be featured on L.L. Bean’s page gain tons of new followers and 15 minutes of fame. This actually happened to me in 2015, and I have to say, it feels good to be the “chosen one” for a day.
My one and only claim to fame.

The end result of all this is nearly 30,000 photos for L.L. Bean to sift through and use for their own account. Had L.L. Bean forgone creating an Instagram account, there’s no way they could have tapped into the Millennial groundswell in the way that they did. Their fanbase is literally doing the promoting for L.L. Bean, and they're happy to do it.

What are YOUR thoughts on L.L. Bean’s digital advertising strategy? Are they just “mooching” content from their fans, or is this an ingenious way to market their products?

Would YOU be happy if your favorite company promoted your photo? Why or why not?


  1. Emily, I love L.L. Bean and their products! What a great post that resonated well as a Marketer myself and gave me some inspiration. I am so pleased to see how empowering an employee and her Instagram sparked energy into a product that has been around for over a century. That can be hard to do for most products and companies.


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